
The first step in the registration process is to select a test date. Please only register for one test session. If you want to register for a second test session wait until you know the results of first session. You may take multiple exams per session. That is you may take the Technician exam, and if successful take the General exam, etc.

Click on Location Directions1 for the address and driving directions to the test site.

The VEC2 or Volunteer Examiner Coordinators used by the Crooked River Amateur Radio Club are either the ARRL or the Laurel VEC. The ARRL test sessions have an associated fee of $15. The Laurel test sessions are free. The exam fee is set by the VEC and not the club.

If you would like to take a remote session, not sponsored by CRARC's VE Team, go to hamstudy.org/sessions/remote. The requirements for remote testing are available at that web site.

Please note the CRARC VE Teams reserves the right to cancel with notification a session with fewer than three candidates pre registered.

Please register at least 24 hours before the exam session.

Select One


Location Directions1

Start Time


Select One


Location Directions1

Start Time


Please read summary or bulletin 65 because you will certify on Quick Form 605 that "I have read and WILL COMPLY with Section 97.13(c) of the Commission Rules regarding RADIOFREQUENCY (RF) RADIATION SAFETY and the amateur service section of OST/OET Bulletin Number 65."

ARRL RF Safety Summary

FCC's OET Bulletin 65

ARRL RF Exposure and You

Instructions on how to obtain an original FCC license.

How to Obtain an Official FCC License Copy